The Very Organized Thief
10 years ago

TVOThief - Kickstarter and Greenlight Update

Hey GameJolt’ers and GameJolt’ettes!

The Very Organized Thief is now on Greenlight!!! Click the link below and vote “Yes” if you’d like to see it come to Steam through Greenlight!

We’ve also updated the Kickstarter campaign to contain more information about what you could expect to see at release.

There has also been a new tier added to the rewards section. You can now get an awesome The Very Organized Thief T-SHIRT!!! But they are limited! So if you really want one, be sure to back before they run out!




Next up

Don't be Alarmed, we're only Cracking Safes!

The Very Remastered Kitchen

Heavy Objects Hurt when you Hit the Owner in the Head with them.

The Very Dynamic Title Screen

A New Font

Lighten up!

The Very Organized Thief v0.1.1 is ready to Play

It's looking like the House again!

The Very Organized Thief v0.1.2 Update

Before The Release