The Very Organized Thief is now available for pre-order!
Just visit to support the developers and pre-order The Very Organized Thief!
You’ll be helping make it even more *awesome***!!!
The Very Organized Thief is now available for pre-order!
Just visit to support the developers and pre-order The Very Organized Thief!
You’ll be helping make it even more *awesome***!!!
Don't be Alarmed, we're only Cracking Safes!
Heavy Objects Hurt when you Hit the Owner in the Head with them.
Before The Release
Lighten up!
The Very Organized Thief v0.1.2 Update
A New Font
It's looking like the House again!
The Very Remastered Kitchen
The Very Dynamic Title Screen
The Very Organized Thief v0.1.1 is ready to Play