Here is a short overview on how the jam went for me:
This is the first game I have ever made. This is my first game jam.
I started late…. like 12 hours in. I had to finish my day-job before starting the work on the jam game. That left me with 60 hours. 14 of those I spent sleeping/eating or resting. So you could say the game took me about 46 hours to make.
A very rough estimate on how much time and effort I spent doing something:
Drawing graphics, doing animations, creating sound effects: 55%
Programming and implementing the graphics: 35%
Managing social media, writing news posts and creating promotional material: 10%
Toughts and Conclusions:
Using Construct 2 allowed me to spend a lot of my time doing the graphics and not worry much about programming. However once I got to the programming part the free version’ s 100 event limitation became a real challange. It meant that even after orginising everything into nice event sheets it still took me 8 events per level, so I had to stop at 6 levels. It also meant that I could not catch all the errors I wanted. But it was a time issue aswell, since I did most of the programming only when all the grpahic assets were in place. And towards the last minutes the fixing and uploading the distributions was an intense task indeed.
I do regret I was not able to fix the play button thing before the dealine… you will have to wait for the music to load in the background first for it to work. Sorry. :(
I had to team up with my friend so I could have a soundtrack for the game which turned out to be a smart idea. There is no way in hell I could have done all this by myself and still find time to do the soundtrack.
Overall I feel that this was a positive experiance for me. Since it is my first game and my first game jam I fell the views I got and the rating I have is relatively good. ( just look at me patting myself on the back here :P )
Thanks to everyone who followed, played and rated Twisted Firestarter.
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If you haven’t played it yet check it out here: