(CANCELLED)Undertale: Improv

3 years ago

UNDERTALE ~ Improv (needs your help)!

Howdy! This is Connor Dracolich, creator of a lot of stuff! But that's not important, because I'm not here about something I created! Instead, I am here to make everyone reading aware of a game I only PARTIALLY created! Like, 30% credit! Maybe! 32%, being generous!

The point is, @dudeguy2022 is making a game! An Undertale game, featuring various things from Undertale!

It is set to have:

  • Cool sprites!

  • Cool attacks and mechanics!

  • Semicool music (by me!)

  • Various other things describable as "cool"!

What is this miraculous project, you ask?

Well, he calls it UNDERTALE: Improv! Cue theme music.

This is a simple, straightforward game in early development with a focus on polish and quality! Very little story or extra stuff - why fix what's not broken - just a fun, straightforward game about that one skeleton from that one game everyone likes! A rarity, in today's world.

But! While the game owner is learning programming, he still needs help! He has asked me to put out a notification - anyone who knows Gamemaker Studio 2 and is interested in helping this project, try to contact him for coding assistance! His Discord is dudeguy#9157, or you could just talk to him at @dudeguy2022. He looks forward to your applications!

Anyways, that's all. We've been collaborating on this for a few months now, and it feels good to finally get the game page (and soundtrack!) up. Hope everyone enjoys it, and here's to a healthy continued development!

Stay frosty,

~Connor <3



Next up

i maded new art or something

This has been a failed experiment in animation shortcuts

dUMNB progres update

noelle joined


(with #GamejoltColors24 alt that prompted me to start this lol)

Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.

Shoutout to the forgotten but invaluable They in my life

I made this song for the lategame of my AU "Bleak" but it fell apart after the drop and I just decided to scrap it

That is all for now



Story of my life, really