Hey hey hey!!! Gee, it's been a while, huh? Last post I made here was about
three months ago.
Boy. Time sure does fly, eh? make it stop please
Anyways! I'm sure you're tired of waiting, so I'll get right to it.

A new Desktop Icon for the mod! Isn't that nifty? (If you have a keen eye, you also noticed the slightly different Logo at the beginning of this post.)
Firstly, I have decided to split my Twitter account in 2. @/ShinixSZ will tweet ONLY about Undertale Red & Yellow. @/sz_alter will be my personal account. That way, people who are only interested in the mod don't have to see me rambling about, say, In Stars And Time or something.
Of course, I'll make sure to upload the important stuff here and on Gamebanana too, so if you don't have a Twitter (God bless you), follow the mod pages for updates.
(for those one bluesky, i also have an account there)
And finally, check out the discord if you wish to discuss the mod! It's existed for a while now, but I haven't promoted it much at all. Now feels like a good time to do so!
But the news!! Gimme news!!!
I've shown a couple updates on my Twitter, but I'm sure most of you are wondering: What the HECK is taking so long?
Well, among other things, the introduction of a TALK button! That's right, you will never have to ask for more Clover and Chara interactions ever again, because we're adding dialogue for (nearly) every room in the game! Some rooms have over 6 different variations depending on your route, your choices, if you've seen previous interactions, how frequently you've talked to them, etc. I... may have gone a bit overboard in a few rooms? But I like being thorough!

Don't you worry, other non-optional dialogue has been added too, it's not just talk dialogue. I wanted Chara & Clover to react to a lot more things to make it feel like they're really there, and I'm happy with these interactions so far!
Of course, that isn't the only thing we've been working on. A lot of new sprites have been made, mainly the dialogue portraits made by the amazing viviiyon, others have been tweaked, and new music has been added! It's already been sort of revealed, but I'd like you to hear a new remix made for the mod, Enemy Approaching (R&Y Edition)!
This and the remixes for the other areas have been made by NVKnight. He, glotch, and whisperjas have been a pleasure to work with!
Uh-oh. Bad news time!
I'm sorry to say, the Steamworks will definitely not be complete by the end of this year. It's a lot of stuff, and I want to get it right. No use in rushing it. I do have some very interesting ideas in mind for the area, but I wouldn't want to spoil you on that. Don't you worry, as soon as the rest of the regular Undertale is done being polished to be the bestest UTY compliant Clover & Chara experience, we'll get working on the Steamworks straight away. I am 99.9% certain you'll get it before 2026. (If it doesn't, you have my express legal permission to slap me in the face.)
It's not like there won't be any non-headghost related stuff in the new update. You'll get to see some familiar faces.
...I'm looking forward to how you'll react to certain moments. Tee-hee!
Traducción al Español!!!
Así es! Alguien se ha tomado la molestia de traducir la versión 1.6.1 del mod al español! A decir verdad, esto es algo que habia pensado en algun momento, pero nunca se dio a cabo debido a que tenia muchas más ganas de trabajar en el mod en sí. Estoy muy honrado de que alguien haya hecho el esfuerzo! Acaba de sacar un nuevo parche, asi que quienes esten interesados, les dejo el link aquí!

(note: this is not actual dialogue.)
Closing thoughts
My motivation to work on this project has never been higher, so I'll do my best! Oh, and even though my programming has improved, don't be too surprised if I decide to go asking for programmers soon :p
Alright, that should be everything. See you all in 3 months!
...Kidding, I'll try to give updates more frequently from now on.
Be seeing you!