Red Abominations
1 year ago

unfortunately the second devlog for red abominations will be abit delayed (read article for more info)

the reason as to why is that i slowly have started to become unhappy with the game's style, alot has changed and alot has improved, i want this game to be the best that it can be which is why me and inverted are going back and upgrading the grahics of the game to make it look better,

this IS supposed to be a "serious" game after all with a story in it, even if the story we want to tell is simple i dont think that is a good excuse for it to be executed poorly,

so yeah we are now in the process of upgrading stuff, adding stuff and working on the game like normal...

i will talk more about the changes and a really big change that is coming soon. (in the second devlog)



Next up

I made a Box today as Practice, I tried to do it as "professionally" as possible. I'd like some feedback, honest feedback please however more about how the box is made rather than how it looks.

thanks for 60 follows!

im glad you guys are loving this game

hey I tested this game and I give it the malos approval, please play it & do max mode videos.

This is my friend's first released fnaf fangame, pretty simple but also pretty good!

gonna say this now before anyone gets confused, i asked inverted to remove the hands on the thumbnail cuz they looked kinda bad and inaccurate to the character's actual hands.

@Disamol this you?

Heres a fun fact becus i wanted to do this