Unrelated: Don't Forget

3 months ago

Unrelated: Don't Forget's June 14th devlog!


Hey there! This week, we made some great progress on Unrelated. Ffatalityy created a whole bunch of cool artwork for the game, added the town theme, and reworked the logo. You should check them out if you haven't already!

On my end, I'm almost finished building the first puzzle in the first area. After that, there are only four more puzzles until the map is complete. Then I can move on to adding cutscenes and other fun stuff.

I also made some progress building a secret area that hopefully nobody will have to see >:)


(* you see this screen when your vessel dies...)

(* an eerily familiar voice berates your vessel.)

I also did a bunch of spritework, building up the map and its inhabitants. Oh, and I decided to change the color of the living room, so now it looks different.


That's all for this week! Don't forget to check in regularly for art, sneak peeks, and music! And hey, let's not mention that Sans said it was May during last week's devlog. He's feeling pretty embarrassed about that. See you later!




Next up

Who will be the lucky 30th comment??

Development has returned it's focus on Chapter One! Thanks to everyone who played Chapter Zero, and has been following this whole time! Chapter One will hopefully be out... drumroll... 2025!

UNRELATED: DON'T FORGET fanart contest winner!!! Special thanks to @Yasmy for this art!



Unrelated Devlog!

Save system is 100% complete! Now all that's left before release is some last-minute debugging and touch up. It's almost time...

Yay 100 followers!

But UNRELATED only has 88...

to those of you who follow me but not UNRELATED, why? UNRELATED is pretty much all I post about.

And while we're here - to everyone, how did you find out about me/my game?

Who will be the lucky 40th comment?? :0

Guys @Ffatalityy is doing art commisions!! For those of you who follow UNꓤELATED (which is probably all of you reading this lol) she made all of the art, things like the pic above. Y'all should go check it out!!…


(Game is out now, guys!!)

(Best with sound)