Unless any game-breaking bugs are discovered, this will be the final update of the 0.2 cycle. The next time I write one of these posts, it will (hopefully) be for 0.3 :D
I’m particularly excited about the new modding capabilities in this update. Pipe01 and I have spent a lot of time today figuring out how to make custom modded components possible, and he’s already made lots of progress with them. I can’t wait to see what new crazy components get modded in.
added a hotkey to undo deleting a board. Default binding is backspace
backups of boards you delete are now saved in /backups/_____deletedboards. By default, the 10 most recently deleted boards are saved, but you can increase that number with MaxBoardBackups in settings.txt
the crosshair’s color is now configurable using CrosshairColor in settings.txt
the crosshair’s size is now configurable using CrosshairSize in settings.txt
added a button to disable player collision with circuitry and boards, so you can walk/fly through them and reach otherwise inaccessable positions. By default there is no key bound to this function, but you can assign it in the launcher (I recommend the ` key)
added some hooks in the code to allow placing and saving of custom components added by mods
in the The Ultimate Nerd Game directory there is now a file called TimePlayed.txt which keeps track of the total time you have spent in-game
added lines about how to select the root board and how to delete a non-empty board to the help menu
(hopefully) fixed a bug where everything would completely break when you loaded a world
the readme.txt file downloaded with the game now includes instructions for installation