Okay THIS one is for real the last 0.2.x update. I’m particularly pleased with the improvements to mid-air jumping. That’s something people have been complaining about since the day 0.1 came out.
Thank you to everyone who’s been making bug reports! They really help. 0.2.5 is now available for download.
pressing the jump key at any point mid-jump will no longer make you jump as soon as you land. You now have to press it within 0.2 seconds of when you land, though this value can be changed in settings.txt under “JumpTiming”
snapping pegs can now connect directly to other snapping pegs
added a system that allows structural pieces of components to be a color other than white. This is not used by anything in the game yet, but it can be taken advantage of by mods.
added a pretty banner to the launcher
improved switch and button hitboxes
pressing the mod key and the screenshot key at the same time will now open the screenshots folder
fixed being able to offset boards onto thin air under specific circumstances
fixed right clicking with the placing ghost enabled locking the position of the placing ghost
fixed wires with positions that were invalid in a specific way corrupting the save
fixed cloned snapping pegs refusing all new connections
fixed cloned snapping pegs not de-snapping when rotated
fixed cloned snapped connections appearing black instead of turquoise until placed
fixed the screenshot sound not playing if the screenshot was taken on the main menu
fixed boards being misaligned after many adjacent uses of Stack Board
some error messages are now more descriptive
minor graphical optimizations