As you can see by the tittle this is 1.4 part.1, that is because this update is unfinished. Sadly i won't have that much free time this month, so i will be temporarily stepping away from the project! This does NOT mean the game's development will stop, @salzza and Noizzer will continue working on it!
Part 2 of this update aka 1.4.5 should come some time this month, and with that said check out the changes bellow!
Also, i tested things this time, the save file of 1.3 SHOULD work without any problems!
New area!
New card pack
New special card
New secret card
The difficulty got cranked up a bit
The paracoins now have a proper description
Stamp descriptions were updated and some were re-worked
You can now increase the rendering distance up to 50(default is 15)
Instead of a 70% chance of attacking twice, Sonammbula now allways attack twice!
Nightmare Moon and her goons are now imune to sleep
Starlight Glimmer was heavyly nerfed
Diamond Tiara was slightly buffed
Commander Dash no longer makes you imortal
Glimmer&Trix "Barrier" skill now properly works
"Rock Poetry" now has SFX
And thats it folks, sorry for the small update! Hopefully Salzza and Noizzer can complete the update soon enough.