Five Nights at Bootleg Plush's

2 years ago

Update 1.6.2 is out!

This minor update fixes some more minor bugs that don't affect gameplay, along with fixing a bug with the Endless Mode best time save system.

Change log:


  • (Android only) Removed arrows from the cutscene select in the Extra menu.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the menu static sound continuing to play in the Thank You poster screen.

  • Fixed main gameplay sounds (such as the fan sound) continuing to play in the main menu.

  • Fixed a bug with the Endless Mode best time save system.

    For example, if you die with a time of 0:30, then die with 1:29, the best time wouldn't update.

  • Fixed the minute counter staying at 0 when getting a Game Over in Endless Mode.

    This was happening because the wrong object (the normal minute counter instead of the Endless Mode minute counter) was copy-pasted in the Game Over screen.



Next up

FNaBP 2 Custom Night released today, check it out:

Note that like FNaBP 1 CN, this Custom Night version of FNaBP 2 is only available for Windows!

Today is the 2nd anniversary of the first Five Nights at Bootleg Plush's game (and also the series)!

Here's a new poster with all the characters from the released games (and also Phantom Freddy and Phantom Chica).

Something will be released today.

I've released my new SMW hack, Super Mario World: The 4 Magic Wands yesterday, for SMW Central's C3 event that started yesterday.

Here's the release thread:, and here's the hack's page:

So new character, huh? We back at it @Mortuus

Thank you for 2300 followers!

Update 1.7.1

@ProPGOfficial has released a mod of FNaBP 1 that increases the maximum AI on the Custom Night to 50!

Check it out on his mods page:

Please note that is mod is only available for the Windows version of the game.

Found more screenshots of indev/pre-release versions of the game.

I went to look at some old Discord DMs with one of my friends and found these screenshots.