Super FNaF RPG Remake

2 years ago

Update 1 Story 0.9.0. build is out!

What's New:

You can now access the Game Backstage,

Jack-O-Bomb is nerfed (By that it'll spawn 6 bombs than 15),

Fan in Funtime Funhouse bug has been fixed (Bug reported by @Fredbearr),

Jump 4, 5 and 6 accessable at the start bug has been fixed (Bug reported by @Franciscaa ),

You can now play FNaF Dodgers and Freddy simulator,

You can now fight PurpleGeist,

Cawthon's lair will have it's enemies (Idea by @Franciscaa ).

That's all for today. Remember, if you have found some bugs in this build, comment here.

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Next up

Super FNaF RPG Remake - Patch build 1.2.0. is now LIVE!

FNaF World Update 3 (Reimagined) - Bendy's 8th anniversary special video

FNaF World Update 3 (Reimagined) - Christmas DLC is now LIVE!

(Happy late christmas!)


FNaF World Update 3 (Reimagined) - Christmas DLC will be released in February 28th this year! In the meantime, enjoy this screenshot before the DLC is released.

We still owe you an apology for so many delays though.


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

FNaF World Update 3 (Reimagined) - Thumbnail render pack 0.1.0. is live!

Be sure to read the package description first before using it for your thumbnails.

Enjoy Super FNaF RPG Remake's trailer. Hope you like it.

Coming in Late 2023! (Seriously)

Rat Race Production Update

FNaF World Update 3 (Reimagined) - Thank you for 2,500 game followers!

Enjoy the screenshot of the new Christmas DLC update.