Update 2
Sorry for the long absence, things got really busy and a few days ago when I started working on the game again I got caught up in getting things done rather than updating this page.
Anyways, I have gotten a lot done. Here’s the changelog:
Added shield regeneration after wave completion
Added a few special wave types (more to come!)
Added separate options menu
Added energy bar on HUD
Added control guide in menu
Added new menu animations
Added shield icon bar on HUD
Added engine sound
Added game pause when pressing escape instead of immediately exiting
Added warning when shields are down
Added miscellaneous new sounds
Added a fighter configuration menu
Added energy and shield pickups, which can be found in asteroids or at level start
Added “energy overcharging”, where it is possible to get over your max energy using pickups
Added new enemy type: Lizard
Changed the way boosts work (now velocity change is instantaneous, all boosts for all classes are the same speeds but each has a cool down of one second)
Changed room size parameters (no more massive rooms)
Changed the player ship model while in first person
Changed the minimum wave count for some enemies to start appearing
Fixed crashing/freezing bug
So lots of new things and finally a fix to the annoying freezing bug. Here are some screenshots showing off the new things:

You can play the update here!
>>> Play Starkid Fighters Now!
>>> Starkid Fighters Devlog on TIGForums
>>> Music by Spiderpeace