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when you realize the pear is almost 3 years old
Random facts about trtf rebuilt i found in its source code
8 models currently added to the disamol model pack, 7 to blender 3.0+ and the atm single one in 2.7.9, obviosly most of them are random models ive shown in posts or are retextures and ports, theres gonna be a big credit txt in the release
So new character, huh? We back at it @Mortuus
Just now realized how much of a mess the trtf rebuilt UI actually is, kinda thinking of it more positively tho due to time
Here's 3 posters (NOT ALL, only showing one of each character), it's a small update but it's something for now. :P
Arts by @Inky_Bun
Five Nights at Nick's - SpongeBob Remade
- Base Model From BFBB Remake
- Everything Else By Me
- FNaN By Torrent1703
(the rig is ass)
Springtraps locked within legit has the most sexualized puppet model for a non five nights at anime game