Two Horrible Nights with Mr. Glasgow

2 years ago

UPDATE 3.0.0 (for real)

We hopefully fixed a few more game breaking bugs.
We scrubbed the name of Triolge from the credits.
We hope that this eases the playing experience some.
The game still has problems, we are aware of them.
But until the recode, there is nothing we can do.
We hope you enjoy the game, and that your playing experience is better than before.
Thank you for listening.

~Dr. Bee



Next up

Hey everybody, sorry about leaving this game for so long- Anyways recode is going great.

so close to finishing the main gameplay but the code is like a puzzle now

im not good at solving puzzles

Better code update + Glasgow's AI


can confirm

Rat Race Production Update

guys this game is getting an epically awesome crossovr with one night and flumpters 2 isn t this so awesjme

Hey, three more characters are programmed now, and that's epic.


omg its my spawn dayyy!!!1!!1!

i am now however old i am on this forsaken platform.

anyways enjoy this NEW pit drone model i made as a consolation for no activity lately, as ive been taking it a bit easy recently.