I’ve released a new update, and a lot has changed!
This post also includes some stuff I’m currently working on and what I’ve got planned.
—-What’s changed—-
Boss added at Round 5.
Improved enemy spawning.
Added controller support (T to switch control scheme).
Fixed some bugs.
Changed how much damage zombies do.
New background.
Started adding the ability to speed up or slow down the speed of the game.
Added a new zombie.
Changed how a few behind the scenes things.
Changed how much money you get for things.
Added slow health regeneration for the player and boss.
Slightly changed the game icon, this also fixed it looking stretched.
Different camera movement.
Turrets added, the price is in the top right corner, press ‘g’ to purchase one if you have enough money (Money on the left).
Added basic title screen.
Added a test mode/sandbox mode, to enable it press b at any time, to return to normal mode you have to restart the game. Controls listed below.
Added local high score.
No more of those old pop up messages.
16:9 ratio
It’s now full screen.
Improved how the game looks when you pause it.
You now start with $100;
The price of turrets is $85 at first and every time you buy one, the price increases by 5% + round number. When you destroy a turret you get 88% of the current price back.
—-What I’ve got planned/What I’m working on—-
More zombie types.
Gun upgrades and/or different types of guns.
More bosses (Probably not for a few updates though).
Abilities that can be brought.
Bigger map (probably next update).
Animations for each zombie.
A health bar for the boss.
Blood splats when the zombies die.
How bullets damage zombies (This will let me put in more stuff like shotguns and machine guns).
Flash on the gun when you shoot.
I’ll be adding the things listed above and more in future updates, make sure to always have the newest version so you don’t miss out on any of this!
—-Sandbox / test mode controls—-
B to enable this mode along with the following controls. Restart the game to return to normal mode.
Z To reset game speed to normal.
X to slow down time.
C to speed up time.
G to place a turret at the mouse position.
H to remove any turrets the player is touching.
Q to spawn 3 zombies at the mouse position.
And normal controls.