Since my computer broke because of black screen and no way to fix it, I've forgot to pack the project. And thus I've lost my project file, so anyway I've decided to recreate my project from scratch and bring my new ideas for my games, this'll suggest shops, costumes, power ups, etc. also characters that you will encounter in the game, where they will help you in your progress. Also I'm dropping ideas of some of characters being playable in favour of outfits, one of them will replace the primary weapon and the secondary weapon, such as Katana or saber, arm cannon and the bazooka.
And here's gentlemen, my suggestions for my game
The deafult weapon for Erick is his Swiss Army Gun, costumes includes its skins (except for Katana/Saber, Arm cannon and Launcher, which also include their skins).
Primary and secondary weapons can be replaced by changing the costume with different weaponry
Both Arm Cannon and the Launcher work just like the Swiss Army Gun, but more powerful.
Katana/Saber can be used when Erick wears the Kimono or the Arabian Knight, it dosen't include the ammo. It does not include the secondary weapon, instead you air dash, it also does with wearing the the Arm cannon.
Each of level's theme (eg. forest) will respectily have their shopkeeper and health items, such as food (Eg. Sushi in Great Bamboo Forest, Cherry Blossom Gardens, Akane's garden).
In the game you can encounter some characters, in the beginning you met Erick's older sister, Alice who will be serve as the tutorial. Jun Too, after buying the Kimono and Katana, etc. Other characters like Erick's younger brother Jimmy, where you must give him his candy and he'll show you the way, or Red who will challange you to a quick game of baseball (in Tennis format). Some other allies you can encounter will help you, or you can help them.
Okay folks, I'm very tired with writing this. Best wishes!