Fora Temer
8 years ago


Hi guys! We just updated our game Fora Temer, it’s a political protest in game format. It’s all in portuguese since it’s about Brazil’ current political state, so, yeah. But we hope you guys can have some fun! Please share with your friends, we really need this to get the most attention as possible from international media!
Controls are arrow keys to walk and space to protest :)

Fala galera! Acabamos de fazer um update no jogo, polindo coisas, corrigindo bugs, deixando o jogo bem bacana. Esperamos que vocês curtam e divulguem pros seus amigos, nos seus grupos de política do facebook, whatsapp, etc. Ah, e por favor, não esqueçam de logar aqui(pode ser usando o facebook) e dar um rating maneiro pra gente! Valeu!



Next up

The whole squad is here!

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Strange Umbrella

One of the most critical update for Sunblaze demo. Now you are able to pet a cat! Finally!

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Showing off player 2 😎

What do you think?

not the greatest house, but it's a house! :D

it happens

Double Rainbow!!!

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Among us_into Madness