Hey all, like usual there has been a long gap of time between the last devlog; but nonetheless, I've been making some good progress on the game itself. Before I ramble on further, I want to thank you all for 2000 followers here on the game page! I don't want to sound like a broken record, but I'm grateful for the continued support. :)
I'm beginning to work on gameplay now but I'm still taking it at a smooth and careful pace. I will admit that things have moved a lot slower than expected, primarily since I've been working on smaller side projects and this simultaneously; but regardless a lot of the modelling is done now except for a few additional scenes which I will be working on soon.
Virtually all my planning for mechanics/game structure is done + plans for additional side content too. Now it's time for the execution of what has been written. One thing I can say is that there's certainly going to be a lot more to do in comparison to previous fangames of mine, and hopefully a lot more replay value as a result. :)
A gameplay trailer is still planned and I hope to get something out for that by August-September time (realistic predictions). But as always this game doesn't have a set release date, just when it's ready and if & when the time is right.
progress being made, potential trailer est aug/sept possibly. majority of the models are done.
I should hopefully be providing more updates in the coming weeks. Hope you have a good day/morning/evening!
(P.S- Quick mention, all GPU issues .ect have been resolved, using a new PC build now fortunately)