Hello everyone! It’s been over a month since the last update — and with good cause: There are a lot of changes and new features coming to Shadows. A few weeks ago, I began planning a few significant updates that would rework how fireflies are used, the movement system, and almost all of the effects in-game. What I didn’t realize is how this would soon evolve beyond the ideas I initially had.
Right now, I’m taking apart almost every system in Shadows to improve it, however these changes are not yet in a state where the game represents a finished product. Due to this, I’ve decided to move back the release of the game to August of this year. The beta will still be in full effect until that time, and I’ll still be listening to your suggestions all the way through until the launch day, but having this additional time will allow me to add in new features and polish the old ones — some of which desperately need adjustment. Thank you to everyone who has supported this project so far; it means more than words can tell!
Stay tuned for more,