Hello Everyone! Sorry, it's been awhile, but I have been bouncing around a few ideas of what I want to do next, and I think I have a plan moving forward now.
1993 Update - This is still going to happen. I have already redone the phone calls, done some balancing, and added a few secrets. I want to polish some things up before I put out the update, but It should be coming out within the next few days.
Minigame - The scope of the "minigame" has increased to the point where I don't think that calling it a minigame is appropriate. That being said, I have been somewhat distracted and I haven't worked on the game over the past few days, so it is currently on hold. Not cancelled, just on hold until I get some inspiration.
The Next Game - I am very excited to start working on the next full game, I have a few ideas for what could come next and I think I know what the next game will be in the series. I don't want to speak too much on it, as I don't want to get anyones hopes up until I am certain that the game will be finished. This is what has been distracting my attention from the "minigame", I might blend both projects into one, but we will see.
That's it for now, I will try to keep you guys updated a little more often from now on. I hope you all are well and are staying safe!
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