in this update:
-> revamped the physics system, it’s less weird now
-> added glass
, tiles and backtiles
-> added a system for equipping items, including pets (purely cosmetic as of now)
-> added a system for tiles that are larger than 1 block or have functions - called “BigTiles” from here forth
-> added doors
and heart statues
, the latter of which will later heal the player when they are near it
developer’s notes:
-> so i felt like i haven’t had enough to call an “update” since the last update and until now
-> i’m really glad i decided on a system for BigTiles since the concept didn’t seem to fit into the architecture i already had set up
-> i still need to set up mapgen, enemies, stats, spells and machines before this game will feel “playable.” at that point i might decide that releasing builds makes sense
-> i don’t know what order i want to implement those in, but i’m thinking machines since that’ll just piggyback on BigTiles, and then stats have to come before enemies have to come before spells
-> not sure where mapgen ties into all of that. it’ll probably come last
-> i’m kind of just writing notes for myself here too tbh