Update! Update! Here’s some info on my progress!
Mechanics are done!
Yes, the core game play is complete! The husk, fredbear and Freddy are all complete. The camera system is complete, and the player and flashlight movement is complete!
New Assets
When I started this game. I didn’t really know how to model or texture really well. But now, I have much more knowledge(especially on the textureing side of things) so I’m redoing most of the assets l, the animatronics will stay the same.
For now…
Speaking of animatronics…
That’s right you know what time it is! A new challenger has approached! I got my plans all set for… Baby! Yes, I think she would be something that makes sense for the time period. Wait time periods?(these transitions are probably killing you, am I right?)
More news on 1978!
I bet most of you haven’t seen news on this one in an while! At first I said to myself finish 1987 first, then 1978. But I’m not gonna do that. Now, due to some issues with the first person controller in unity(and locking the mouse in general) I thought we should make them separate games. So I’m currently working on two games right now, but most of my time is being spent on 1987. 1978 is just blank basically right now(I’m working on the fpc) but that doesn’t mean its not being worked on.
So basically, done the gameplay, new assets, baby, and 1978 in the works. Oh and one more thing, Keep your eyes open for a demo, it might come sooner then I said…