will include:
Full modular sprite rotation
Better performance (Offscreen sprite hiding)
Camera Zoom
will include:
Full modular sprite rotation
Better performance (Offscreen sprite hiding)
Camera Zoom
I completely remade saturn (to save performance, add shadow and generally better graphics).
I added Saturn. It laggs when recording but without recording I didn't have any laggs. I hope I'll find some other performance fixes in the future.
Wacky Rubberhose animation test
This is a Teaser. I'm working on a visual demo for my engine, now that I got triangles working.
The Noise
New highly improved lense flare for my 3D SPACE Game
New UPDATE! (playable in Browser) :D
I added Line-Rendering and I am using it to render a simple ground.
I added weapon/gear switching. It's still unfinished, but the basics are working. You can control what rotation it's going by turning the mouse wheel up or down.