Turbowarp Scratch 3D Engine (TS3D)
3 years ago

Update soon probably in a few days, maybe earlier 😁

will include:

  • Full modular sprite rotation

  • Better performance (Offscreen sprite hiding)

  • Camera Zoom

  • ...



Next up

Sup! I've been working on a Split-Screen Tile Engine.

I added weapon/gear switching. It's still unfinished, but the basics are working. You can control what rotation it's going by turning the mouse wheel up or down.

NEW UPDATE!!! A fully working SKYBOX with moving SUN and LENSEFLARE!!!! (playable in browser) :D

stage 01 #fnaf

Christmas bamfyu vs normal bamfyu

guys! what should i add here

i'm really struggling to add something else here

This is a Teaser. I'm working on a visual demo for my engine, now that I got triangles working.

TEASER for my 3D SPACE Game.

Let me cook...