Chica and Bonnie no longer have audio cues when they are active. This is to prevent voices overlapping with Foxy’s audio cue, which can cause confusion for the player. So instead of that, with Bonnie and Chica you will hear a beeping sound (two beeps), which signifies that either Bonnie or Chica are active (or you can just frequently check the control panel).
All you have to do is check the panel and there will be messages which tell you who is active. For example, if you see a warning message about stage 4, and the stage 3 warning message isn’t there, that means Chica isn’t active and vice-versa. If both warning messages are there, that of course, means they are both active!
This new feature is now also explained in the tutorial night.
Edit: Foxy will no longer laugh, it’s just the number now.