The Repeat
2 years ago

UPDATE v1.2.0 is out!

UPDATE v1.2.0


- Added new models

- Added new sound effects

- Improved environment

- Added better lighting​​

- Fixed bugs (not all there are still some bugs that I don't fix but you can play the game to the finish without issues)​

- Fixed lags (there are still lags in some places but overall is better than before)​

- Fixed ending cutscene​

- Fixed elevator (now you don't clip through the elevator)

Note: Game is now better than before but still has bugs like sometimes you lose sound effects for opening/closing doors or some weird glitches about walls and fps are better now but still not perfect but I stop working on this game anymore due to lack of time. Hope you enjoy this game :)



Next up

Official name of the game is "The Repeat"

#horror #survival #action #adventure

Delusion - Released on Google Play

Horror Game for mobile devices [Android].

Check it out!

Cost: FREE

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#horror #survival #action #adventure

The Repeat - UPDATE v1.2.0 is out!

Fixed bugs/glitches and low fps but the game still has some bugs that don't broke the game because you can still play from beginning to end without issues.


Endless Nightmares & The Repeat for FREE (100% OFF)

Check it out and if you find any bugs, glitches, errors, lags send me information about it also any ideas for new updates would be very appreciated!

Thanks and Merry Christmas ;)

He is inside your house!

Endless Nightmares - UPDATE v1.2.0 is out!

Check out here: