Here's a variety of small changes I've made to the game to improve the experience for everybody overall!
The Challenge Eye Witness has been changed!
I was never a HUGE fan of the challenge to begin with, so instead of the challenge revolving around how many eyes the characters have, which correlates to their difficulty, I've instead made it a "lore" based challenge by having the most lore heavy characters be presented instead of just how many eyes they have.
Cosa has been completely inactive even on INACTIVE DIFFICULTY. It was purely a coding error by me
Classic Old Coso WILL NOT MOVE if Coso is currently attacking you
Sound indication Symbols have been added for anybody with a hearing disability!
Depending on which character is attacking or moving, an indicator will appear at the bottom of the screen showing which direction the character is coming from! This makes the game MUCH easier and better, especially for the all max mode.
I know there's not a lot here, I just wanted to push this update out asap
(also thanks to @joquisgamer for telling me I forgot to post it to the gamepage 💀)
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