Boom Box Redux v1.4:
Added: Settings Panel from the old sandbox.
Added: Easter Egg.
Added: SFX when throwing with the launcher.
Changed: Movement speed is no longer altered by Time Scale.
Changed: Anti-Gravity room auto spawner changed to 10 (Up from 5).
Changed: Explosion Test Tube auto spawner changed to 15 (Up from 10).
Changed: Evaporator spawner now has its own color.
Hotfix: Raycast Target is now null, when not hitting anything.
Hotfix: Buttons again light up green, when you hover over it.
Hotfix: Explosion Test Tube sign now says “Explosion” (Was “Explusion” (Typo)).
Hotfix: Launcher will no longer push building blocks upon mouse release.
Hotfix: The sky should now be Light Blue again (Was grey).
Removed: Main Menu button “Old Sandbox”.