Here is a brand-new update that puts a fun spin on the game! This version of the game brings you Office Rewards and props! These props are rewarded when you beat four challenges, and after beating each one of the four challenges, you get some props and rewards for beating them! For example, if you beat "Attention seekers" You get a Coso plushy! And if you beat "Italian Flag" You get a box full of each of the Meow's from Five Nights at Coso's 3! These challenges award you with cool and memorable collectibles from the most iconic Coso games! (This even includes Cosonut's 1 & 2) And this doesn't mean you get 1 item after beating each challenge, no, no, no, if you beat four challenges in the custom night, you get at least 3, 4, or more items from the Coso series!
Additionally, to combat for there being Office props and customizables, I've added one new challenge to the custom night, that being "Developer's Choice" It's basically a hand-picked challenge with no central theme around it.
That's all for now!
edit: also, thank yall for 300 followers, I forgot to point that out