One Somewhat Humorous Night with Spyider *OFFICIAL*

1 year ago


This is a production still! And no. The game is not cancelled. I just haven't ben very invested in making it. But don't worry, I'm making progress. Slow, but progress. currently, I'm designing the office. Id say the game is about 10% done. I'm gonna try and say ill have it out by March, but that's not a promise. That's all. Cya!



Next up

Pretty much the fanverse.

Day 3 - Maxquito

Sharing a devlog for my FNaF fangame! So, One Somewhat Humorous Night with Spyider has started production. I made an early version of the main menu, and I've completed that newspaper part. That's it, but there's gonna be more! Here's a production still.

“Oh mY GOd! THiS gAmE tHat aDds aNIMaTiON iS WoRSe THaN a GaME mADe bY aN actuaL NecroPhILIaC! LeTs Go HARrAs tHE creAtoR aND cAlL tHE gAMe An INdusTrY PlAnt! You all are a bunch of whining babies, no wonder I forgot about this fanbase.

maybe you fucking freaks want the golden child possessed bear next, I dunno

Hey! You might be here just checking what the game has! Now, this game is not out yet. But it would be very appreciated if you followed this game. It helps motivate me into doing more things. It will release in either October/ November, so stay tuned!

Day 2 - Bee-Bee

Old Stuff!