So, since I've been advertising my game, One Somewhat Humorous with Spyider, I'll be showing off another character. Maxquito
1- He's Mexican. It made sense at the time.
2- He was in the original alphas, and he's the only character who's design has had major changes.
3- He's also the only character who's mechanic has stayed the same since the alphas. ( I won't reveal those until the game's release. )
4- Similarly to Bee-Bee, no one likes him. But while with Bee-Bee, no one likes her in any way, everyone makes fun of Maxquito. They often call him " Sucky Bug Man".
5- He, and everyone else, is wanted for war crimes. He has the highest bounty. ( $12,000,000)
So that's Maxquito. I'll hope to get busy with his mechanics today. Thanks for reading, and follow One Somewhat Humorous with Spyider.