Hello everyone, this is Minireeno, the developer of the supposed to be cancelled fnaf fan game "Five Nights at Roger's (24.1987). I owe everyone an apology for leaving this game behind. School was very though tbh,and I can't really put my priorities on both my Academics and passion.
So is the game cancelled?
-No, The game is still on
development, but I'm no longer be the one who will be in charge of the development. I will be collaborating with @Confuscated.We will make sure that this
will release once and for all.
Why did I decide to leave this game behind?
-I am a consistent honor
student, and I noticed that my performance was going down hill. I focused and studied hard, and left this game for a while.
Are there any updates on the game?
-We will remake, everything
from the animatronic models to the game itself.
What will happen to Jolly 2
-Hoping this will game will be released.
I am thankful for your patience. Don't forget to follow @Confuscated . She's the one I'm collaborating with. :)