Cross-Worlds Party

1 year ago

Updates from Cross-Worlds Party | 24.02.2024

The game's so mentioned "patch" is taking longer because I'm using this delay to make the separation already, since I saw it wouldn't be so hard.

So, what's happening?

Basically the game is having EVERYTHING that I would include in separate patches, so it would be better release them at once.

But, at the moment I'm writing this, I'm making the system to load and start Illusion Gifts already separated from the main game files.

Why is it taking so long to be finished?

Mainly because of my school which is from 2:20 PM to 9:30 PM, so I don't have all day to work on like before (which I would work from 9 AM to 7 PM in my games), but the other reason is that I've obtained a domain, so I worked ALOT on my website, and at the time I'm writing this, the website has been taken down for full overhaul (again), because I'm changing to github so I can have full control on the website at the cost of me making an entire padding system in html and stuff.

Is there any specific date for it to come out? What about the trailer/teaser that still didn't come out?

No, it all depends on how much time I put on Cross-Worlds, but it shouldn't take too long, I expect to finish this in like, 1-2 weeks, but no idea what can happen so yeah.

The trailer/teaser will be worked on once I finish this V1.1 update.

Update: it took less than expected, but the trailer won't come out so soon, as well as the Harder Mode update.

Since the game will be separated individually for each Cross-Worlds theme, will I need to login multiple times?

Not exactly, to the game function normally without crashing, I'll make your login separately in each theme's start point.

Once you login, it'll be saved in profile.ini and loaded for all logins since they use the same object.

So no, you won't need to login multiple times, but to logout you need to go on any of them.

It has been mentioned that the game system will change so it can support future themes, what will happen if I have an existing save file?

So, to prevent lose of data, I'll make separate folders when a big change happens to the save files, so it'll be separate depending on the version.

To prevent loss of data, you can manually move your data to your current data when the update come out.

Here's the instructions for that.

  • Your data is saved in Local AppData, so to access it press Win + R and put %LocalAppData% and hit enter

  • Once you open the Local AppData folder, you need to find a folder called "Cross_Worlds", that folder stores all of your game data that is saved

  • In the new update, a folder called "V1.1+" will appear, that folder stores any data from V1.1 and later, unless a new change occurs to that folder.

  • These are the files that can be updated:

    • achievements.sav needs to go into ig_achievements.sav

    • Everything in main.sav (except the [Other] part) must go into illusiongifts_main.sav

If any changes occurs, this post will be edited.



Next up

Super Platform: Reoriginal is out.

V1.1.0 - Minor Changes

Quite late for this, but thank you and #GameJolt for this great year of 2024, it was fun the entire time it lasted and I'm happy on how much I've progressed in that year.

[V1.2.0] MAGICAL & UPGRADING [FINAL UPDATE] - 11/08/2024

Super Platform: Reoriginal V1.3.0: HUNT OR HUNTED UPDATE

Super Platform: Reoriginal | V1.4.0 PORTUGUESE TRANSLATION

Final step for the game

Super Platform: Reoriginal V1.2.0

Hunt or Hunted: Updated Information

The game is completely finished and is set to release on this friday (19th)