hello, and apologies for the lack of updates!! i've been busy!! the big release came out a few weeks back at last, and i've been hitting people up, trying to spread the word. many thanks to all the streamers who checked it out and to the people leaving very kind reviews on backloggd.
it's been good to have the series out at last - there are a few little bug fixes still in the works, but no other changes. at some later date i will probably try putting the game on additional platforms but i will be doing my best to give people who bought it here + on itchio keys if that ends up being the case. frankly i get more of a cut on smaller stores and don't like contributing to the gabe newell yacht fund, so the longer i can put it off the better!
if you enjoyed the free versions of the games at all then thank you so much for checking them out, support and encouragement over the years of their development. if it gets to a certain number of sales i will CONSIDER the My First Strangle Victim plush doll that many people have been asking for over the years... so consider spreading the good news about the full release if you're a strangle fan... heh heh heh
PEACE and best wishes!!
stephen / garmentdistrict