Greetings all,
Well, I am not yet dead despite lack of updates. Things were a little delayed... however I am now pleased to say that the new game is totally playable from start to end, as of yesterday. I took today off to rest and from tomorrow will start writing revisions as well as adding sounds and music. Tommy Tone has come up with a bunch of new tracks that I think are great and I'm really excited to use them.
Initially I'd wanted to release the last game in the series simultaneously with the collected version - but I don't want to delay it further, and I'd like to work on the little bit of bonus materials for the full package at my own pace... So please look forward to FACE OF THE KILLER sometime in the next two weeks, pending acts of divine wrath, and the full ANTHOLOGY OF THE KILLER release hopefully sometime in April.
Thanks again to anyone showing interest in or drawing art for the games, I've been quietly chugging away at development for the last while but even when I don't post more it's always encouraging to see!
Peace and a happy murderer's night to all soon,