That'll also help with the House menu for changing Wall types etc. Right now I'm clamping the value when you cycle so you don't turn the walls into doors X'D
I also need to do a rework of the Rug system for Houses. Right now you select a location then you can cycle through the rugs, but it's probably better if you select on first then choose the location? That means a full rework of it. The reason it's done this way is because of how the data is stored, it's a grid, which makes it really easy to just draw them onto the floor of the house. Also must fix how they move if you adjust the House size by the left/top walls...
Maybe if I change it to a list? That would actually be quicker for the draw, since it's not checking every square, but that makes changing them slower since it has to run down the list looking for the coordinates. Maybe a combination of the two like I do with Snow? Hmm. Need to ponder this a bit.