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Expect a new post from me in a couple of hours ;3
Simple but cool logo from me, guess where it will be used?)
Продолжаем разрабатывать Sonic.exe: TFT, делаем меню истории =3 [RU]
We continue to develop Sonic.exe: TFT, make story menu =3 [ENG]
Vs exe idle sprite remake because its a bit dated… Heres the parts incase you want to animate the idle!!!
Создаём титульный экран для игры ) (RU)
Creating a title screen for the game ) (ENG)
Cold so cold
I'm trying to recreate the mechanics of all rhythm games :D
ПОВ Когда что-то пошло не по плану(Скрин с 15-го Сентября) :
POV When something not went plan(Screenshot from September 15) :