Sonic.exe: The fighter Tails
1 year ago

В игру теперь добавлен стартовый экран [RU]

A start screen has now been added to the game [ENG]



Next up

Mario Madness V2 - All Stars - ON MOBILE?!

Of course, I understand everything, but the fact that I will go through full-fledged mods completely on a smartphone, I did not expect this from myself

Хех, смотрите что я нашёл в API HaxeFlixel, как думайте, это к будущим достижениям в игре для GJ?) (RU)

Heh, look what I found in the API HaxeFlixel, how do you think, this is to future achievements in game for GJ?) (ENG)

Simple but cool logo from me, guess where it will be used?)

Vs exe idle sprite remake because its a bit dated https://www.mediafire.com/file/n0acqr305fv64w7/EXEIDLEANIMPARTS.… Heres the parts incase you want to animate the idle!!!

Woof? :3

Cold so cold

I'm trying to recreate the mechanics of all rhythm games :D

Sonic.exe: TFT официально возвращается к статусу разработки. [RU]

Sonic.exe: TFT officially returns to development status. [ENG]


: Krita

Создаём титульный экран для игры ) (RU)

Creating a title screen for the game ) (ENG)