Minigame Boost
This minigame have a 50% chance of activate at beating any night, is a hack part you need to type the same code displayed screen and flashlight in the redbody eyes to make him go away
when you laptop is up, the flashlight will turn off and this part has no sound clues, only ambience sound and flashlight '-'
you need type those codes until the battery run out, after beating this minigame, the boost will activate and the night will go more faster (45 seconds to 25 seconds per hour)
Nightmare Night
The nightmare night can be unlocked after beating 6th night
nothing special just 20/20/20
About Hell Night and Nightmare
Hell night is a very very hard challenge night
All AI Monsters have moves more faster than nightmare night
Gryeh - speed randomized at 4 to 7 (at normal night is 3 to 5)
Energy Buff to 120% (balanced :D)
Nightmare night is 20/20/20, hell night is 25/25/25 lol