Additions & Improvements
Removed seed generator and made my own
Now the game supports seeds up to 20 digits (you can type the 0 seed too, -0 and 0 are different seeds)
Added Buttons to the game (now you can interact with the conveyor belts)
Made a lot of improvements with the map generation
Decreased broken ruler event timer
You can zoom on the map now (Q and E keys)
The map looks much cleaner now
Improved the way the NPCs get behind and in front of the player
Bug Fixes
Fixed a glitch where Chalkles could be pushed
Fixed visual glitch where Chalkles sometimes get behind in some objects
Fixed a glitch where the broken ruler event didn't have a cooldown (the event would last forever)
Fixed an issue where the map could have some light spots in the wrong place
Fixed some glitches involving picking up items and loading inventory in the levels
Fixed a glitch which conveyors could spawn in wrong spots
Fixed a glitch which Baldi would try to get the player inside a locker even if he didn't know the player was there
Fixed a glitch that if you used the Principal's Whistle before the Principal spawns, he would know the whistle position even if he wasn't active
Arts and Crafters animation could overlap the map screen