-Amaterasu (Hero 9) no longer references Franseska's wings if she no longer has them when picking up the katana during the tutorial
-Reginleif's (Hero 12) "Roundhouse Swing" now deals "Sudden Death" damage...negating its ability to 1-shot the minotaur (now a half-K.O.), the bases in Blood Gulch (immune), and the baddies in the Faewood (immune)
--The minotaur is also now properly tagged as a "Boss Battle", giving it a saving throw opportunity vs Roundhouse Swing
--Reasoning: the minotaur and baddies are events that need to play out properly for events and dialogue to be correct, while the bases are large concrete structures rooted deeply into the ground...even mighty Reginleif wouldn't be able to uproot them and launch them into the next time zone (the reason things disappear when hit by her Roundhouse Swing)
--There are several enemies that take 10% damage from other sources of "Sudden Death" damage...but since Roundhouse Swing deals 10x the target's max HP when it connects...it will still 1-shot these enemies
Models revisited (details>discord):