added text effects in dialogue (color, shake, twitch (textbox in-battle), rotate (dialogue in-battle))
added color highlights for test enemy (for convienience, at least)
added the Throne Room
added particles when sparing an enemy
added sound when equipping an item
improved shake effect
forced double-digit HP numbering when HP (in-battle) is single-digit
test enemies now have much lower defense when spareable
slightly lengthened timing to transition when escaping a battle
fixed memory leak related to dust particle system
fixed bug in which attempting to SAVE in the first room will crash the game
fixed typo when equipping an item
fixed bug related to HP regeneration in-battle
fixed bug when enemy defense is not applied when attacking
fixed bug in which equipping items in-battle will skip to enemy dialogue
fixed visual bug when getting hit by green bullets with full/near-full HP
Oh yeah, this game has now been promoted to BETA. Now, it’s time to expect more end-user features to future updates. Enjoy!