Improved Player's Sight
Improved NPCs Sight, now it is a little more accurate (and less unfair)
Baldi slap interval is now much accurate (but in higher floors, it will be slower)
Whole improvement on NPCs Navigator
Doors connected to a library won't attract Baldi's attention anymore
Generator Updates
If gotta sweep couldn't spawn in its closet, it will spawn in a random room
Elevators can now spawn inside big rooms (excluding library)
Elevators will only spawn in unique directions and only in the long hallways
Big Rooms can spawn IN the long hallways (cutting the path)
Improvements to Room Generation in General
Big Rooms won't spawn entrances in the same side anymore (Only in rare cases)
Improved Library Maze Generation
Rooms won't be inside empty areas/hallways that are only accessible by other rooms anymore
Now classrooms will only spawn when connected to a hallway
Now faculty rooms connected to a big room won't have a second door
New Features/Content
Added Endless Mode (the seeds from hide and seek won't have the same generation to endless mode, but you can also find glitched seeds in it)
Optimized Particles, now they also have a rendering system
Added Comics
Faculty rooms has now 4 variants
Added Placeholder Rooms
Bug Fixes
You could input irregular seeds like -0 or 0933
The party music would still play inside the library
When the party event ends, the entities data list would break (making gotta sweep don't push some of the NPCs)
You could interact with inventory even when the game is paused
Cloud copter could blow wind in invalid places
Decreased a little the gotta sweep pushing power
Increased Floor 1 map size
Increased Energy Chocolate Bar Stamina
The "ghost effect" won't be applied on big rooms anymore