EURGAVA - Tomb of Senza

6 years ago

v1.0.3 - Indonesian Translation

So, what’s new this time?

  • Indonesian translation are now available.

  • Some fix to a few late game quests.

  • Some changes on how to use certain usables.

  • Buff “Power Focus” is now called “Powerguts”.

Here is an example line of the translation :
“…Sekte Naga Korup mengirim begitu banyak prajurit, sepertinya mereka ingin memastikan tidak ada peziarah yang tersisa di Makam Senza. Kini kita berada di lokasi yang aman, kita bisa bicara empat mata sekarang…”

Have fun, and end the Magic Miasma!



Next up

v1.0.5 is here!

CONTENT : Figured we could use more playable heroes, so we added 2 more who will join us later.

2018 August - Updates: QoL, Contents, and Mechanics.

CONTENT : Be careful with explosives!

A friendly tip, to help you survive here.

Bestiaries and some more additions

2018 October - DEMO Public Build is here! Major changes! Had to take down the HTML5 version for now. But you can still get the downloadable version. Read the article for more details!

We are now 10 DAYS away from FULL RELEASE! You better ready your controller!

First patch is here: v1.0.1

Next update, June, available within this week :

Keyboard + mouse gameplay, new aerial attack, and easier starting fights for a more approachable difficulty curve.