Girl's Night
8 months ago

v1.0.5 for Girl's Night is out now
Change log in Article


  • Shock's movement timer is no longer random, this was done in order to reduce the amount of RNG you need in order to beat Gatekeep Gaslight

  • Added a "Pre-Patch" option in the settings. This undoes the change done to shock stated above

  • Completing presets that have Shock in them with Hard mode and Pre-Patch mode on rewards you with a new flute

  • Applicable presets done with Hard mode active on earlier updates will automatically update to the new flute type

  • Added an option in the settings to "Resend GJ Data," this will update your trophy and score data in case they didn't update properly earlier

  • Added a bind to enter fullscreen

  • UI elements are no longer unclickable when the screen flashes

  • Made the music in endless quieter

  • The Bop pet gif properly shows on the YOU WON! screen


  • Small hotfix, you can no longer pull up the cameras while you're about to use the shock


  • Resend GJ Data properly works, lol

  • Pre-patch flutes properly update from v1.0.0, though if you've previously opened the game in v1.0.1 or v1.0.2 you won't be granted old ones


  • Nekuu's temper is unaffected by FPS now

  • The amount of time it takes to refill Nekuu's temper is unaffected by FPS now


  • You can no longer click on Nekuu's temper meter to refill her temper on any camera




Next up

For the past couple days I've been working on a mod of Bop's Quest for Flute with the goal of making it harder It's absolutely much harder now and it's available to play now!

i've created a monster


i wonder who this is supposed to be its not like the sillouette gives it away or anything lma

progress is going well

working on a v1.0.1 for sleepover charmified

hey guys

games almost done

v1.1.4 of Girl's Night is out now Change log in article

hey guys