Added 5 "Modifiers" that make the game harder
Also added a new song by @Bop__
called "Estrogen" for the Long Nights modifier
Added the "Bop's Quest for Women" and "Girlboss" presets
Added new flutes for beating a preset on Hard mode with all available modifiers active with and without Pre-patch on or not
Swing and DTurtle's kill timers are now consistent, and the time it takes for them to leave with the door closed scales with AI level slightly
Tweaked the infected left hall sprite so it's possible to tell if it's infected when Swing is in the way
Pre-patch mode now does the following in addition to what it did before
Reverts Swing's and DTurtle's kill timers to the old system
Hadal Fortune's kill timer is reset less when clicking her with Hard mode and Long Nights on
The door power no longer goes down slower with Perma Door Break on
Makes Swave only give 2 extra seconds instead of 3 when you flash her and have Aggressive Swave on
Pre-Patch Hard mode flutes can now be obtained for all presets
Endless times are now properly saved
Door power has been slightly recoded so it's unaffected by framerate
Swing and DTurtle no longer treat the doors being broken as it being closed when they're about to kill you
Swing and DTurtle should leave immediately after her kill timer is up
The hard mode flute looks cooler now
If you're playing on mobile, the game should start in full screen
The window title will now say "Girl's Night" instead of "bqff cn"
Added new trophies
Added a new leaderboard for Girlboss times
Swing's sound cue is now much more obvious
Changed the way the game makes the night end so if the song fails to load it shouldn't make you instantly win
Hadal Fortune and DTurtle can now be clicked through flash effects
Hadal no longer is unclickable if she's touching the shock button
Swave no longer appears in every camera
Characters are no longer invisible in cams
Swing and DTurtle's checks for killing you should be more consistent with pre-patch off
Swave no longer blocks the infection in the bar camera and no longer appears above Turtlebot