Cube's Dark Hours 3

3 days ago

v1.1.0 "Together Again" Update is out NOW!

Here is the changelog:

  • Added a 3rd CN variant, which houses the "Together Again" challenge!

    (To unlock it, you must complete 8/20 mode for both the Base Game variant and the Night 6 variant. You should see a 4-arrow button on the Main Menu under the Extras button, which houses the new CN variant)

    You can also set your own custom values because, well, why not?!

  • Added character icons to the 6AM screen!

  • Added 25 more "facts" (making it 200 total)

  • Added 3 more "secret text messages" (making it 8 total)

    [If you're confused, the "secret text messages" are the text that appear in the top-left corner on the Main Menu when transitioning to a different menu)

  • Changed up a few "facts" on the Main Menu

  • Re-adjusted the "stars" alignment in the Achievements Menu (to make space for the "Together Again" star, duh)

  • Sanity now drains slightly quicker

  • Sanity now recharges every 5.5 seconds instead of 4.5 (basically just reverted the recharge to how it was before v1.0.3)

  • rewrote the font binary data (hopefully it actually displays more properly now. If not, then... welp.)

  • When re-selecting the "Custom Values" in any of the CN variant menus, all character AIs will now be automatically set to 0

    (not sure why I didn't do this before, but better late than never I suppose)

  • Character AI counters should probably align better now in the CN variant menus

  • The audio in the "CDH: Employee Training" port is no longer lowered

  • Updated the character icons a tad bit on the Credits screen

  • Holding ESC on the Credits screen lets you skip it

  • Ph. Scraptail should no longer spawn in the office repeatedly when the cameras are re-opened

  • Reworked Ph. Scraptail's code a bit (not that noticeable, just some minor fixes to his AI)

  • Phantom Jynxi is still missing

  • Fixed some camera assets appearing on top of the camera static

  • Added only two goodies in the Extras Menu

  • Changed "Stare" and "Smile" Clones' info by a tiny bit (in the Extras Menu)

    To be honest, all I did was just make them a tiny bit taller lol

  • Updated some screenshots on the game page (Felt like I should mention that just in case :p)

  • Changed two Fizzlepop assets on the cams (only visible in the third CN variant's night, everywhere else is the same)

  • Made the AC noise in the office a tiny bit quieter

  • Made the Main Menu theme a tad bit quieter

  • Made the Main Menu background a tad bit darker

  • "Facts" on the Main Menu now change a tiny bit quicker

  • Many more fixes, changes, etc. that I can't remember on the top of my head

Making this update was definetly interesting to say the least. Trying to fit everything into a 1.5GB RAM limit sounds easy on paper, but many things had to be changed in order for EVERYTHING TO WORK!

Anyways, that should be all for this update! Stay safe everyone, God bless!



Next up

made this like 5 days ago and just forgot about it

(it's Fizzlepop as a hedgie again)

CDH3 releases today in 3 hours...

heh... three... hehehe

...You guys had one job. Come on.


Not sure about this one.

What's your guys' opinion on this Fizzlepopper drawing?

Rat Race Production Update

v1.0.5 is now out for Cube's Dark Hours 3!

Here are the changes:

I actually made a part 2? Usually I just move on to something else, but this game is a ton of fun.

Premiering in about an hour!


The trailer has finished its premiere.

v1.1.0 "Together Again" Update releases Feb. 28th!