Sil's Collection of Things
9 months ago

V1.9 Update - The End Of The Collection + BTF (Behind The Fight)

Three months of work, and the end of the collection is finally here. I'm not going to make any jokes in this post since I've already exhausted my lifetime supply of cotton wool (which is a joke btw, HA!).

Balance Changes

  • Angry Sans has had a few tweaks in some attacks, making them easier to dodge.

  • A few removals across a couple of games were made to make practicing them or rushing through them a lot less demanding.

What's New?

  • The last fight in the set, fittingly named The Final Fight, has been added. It actually has two phases, though the menu tells you that there are six. Since it's finally out, I will reveal what the fight is:

    You fight Sil herself. Beating her will allow you to see the credits.

    If you don't feel like playing The Final Fight, you can go straight to the credits on the main menu regardless of your current save progress.

    To unlock The Final Fight, you will need to beat every other fight and collect 20,000 Silcoins. Also, you will not be able to play it on Easy, Debug or Practice modes.

  • Practice Mode has been added, which allows you to practice attacks indefinitely without having to fiddle with Debug Mode.

    • Just like trying to get out of a fight without using F2, pressing "K" three times will just bring you back to the menu.

  • Music and volume sliders are added, which means the No Music option is now removed.

  • Some dialogue has been changed.

  • FUN values now reset every time you get a Game Over.

  • Speaking of FUN values, there are new achievements for getting certain values. Note that these do NOT count to your save progression, nor does it help to unlock the Completionist achievement.

  • On the topic of dialogue, if you just want to get it over with, you can now turn off the dialogue. However, you will still have to read dialogue in some scripted cutscenes.

  • The game menu will no longer turn gold if you have every star on your save file, only the file on the save menu will.

  • Three new items are added in the Cosmetic Exchange Unit, which allows you to add some style to Her in the main menu.

  • Additionally, six powerups have been added that you can buy with leftover Silcoins. These can help improve your gameplay experience as I know some people are struggling to beat the games even on Easy + RNG SUX.

    There is no way to turn them off if you have a large quantity, so buy them wisely. As for what they are and what they do, here's the list:

    • HP Shield gives you 30 extra HP when starting a fight. This cannot be replenished after taking damage. Using this invalidates challenge running.

    • HP Regeneration gives 30 seconds of slow healing. You can stack it up to 99 seconds, though you will have to be at 9/39/69 seconds already for this to be the case (default is 90). Using this invalidates challenge running.

    • Revival Pill restores half of your max HP when you take fatal damage. Using this invalidates challenge running.

    • Autofire is a permanent option that allows you to hold Z/Enter to spam shots instead of mashing the buttons. This has no effect on challenge running.

    • Shadow Dodge, activated when pressing "V", allows you to maintain invincibility for one full second. Using this invalidates challenge running.

    • Finally, Bombs (reference to TouHou's Bomb and Enter the Gungeon's Blank mechanics) clear any bullet within a 60-pixel radius around you. This does not work with some bullets, and it is very iffy with bones (you have to be very close to the center of one if you want to get rid of it). Using this invalidates challenge running.

  • You will get rewards for completing No Heal/Item and No Hit challenges. Additional bonuses are applied for doing a quantity of challenges on your save file, with a progression counter on the achievements menu.

  • Some star ratings have been changed.

  • Abusing Scooby Doo to turn off Debug mid-fight in situations where he doesn't kill you is no longer possible to do.

    • Additionally, it is now no longer possible to survive Pikachu on Mettaton NEO.

  • Undyne The True Undying has a "Help" ACT that gives you the option to only play with the blue shield, using the arrow keys. AngelaBot will take care of your pink shield. This has no effect on challenge running.

  • On the topic of challenge runs, getting challenge texts on fights without having done said challenge is no longer possible.

  • An option to automatically parry pink bones by holding the button instead of spamming it has been added. This has no effect on challenge running.

Behind The Fight

Now that the collection is over, it's time to give you the stories behind what makes the fights what they are. I've been wanting to do this for a while, but I thought now would be the perfect time.

  • Distrust Angela was the first thing I worked on in this collection, and it was a testament to how well I could sprite human-like characters (Angela is more of a hybrid than a human since she's also a robot). In the end, I got help from Semi because he had better experience. The fight itself was just me messing around with crazy looking patterns and fitting pieces together.

  • Sudden Changes Sans. I had wanted to do an SC take because someone suggested that I did so, and... I think I did an okay job with it? Phase 2 was just pure imaginary since no full Phase 2 existed prior to this. The one that came close was FDY's, which didn't make a lot of sense by having a hovercraft as a secondary weapon. I tried to match it to someone that I thought Sans would have a better hold of, so I chose a rocket launcher since that was the easiest to work with.

  • Angry Sans. It actually ended up paying off really well, it is my most viewed fight to this day (over 8,000,000 views on YouTube). As for how I imagined it, I thought about what the Undertale universe would be like if everybody just lost it after the human does 100 genocide runs. I thought it was funny and sorta stupid, so I expanded on that idea. Now I'm tempted to make this a full AU.

  • Mettaton NEO... I think it speaks for itself.

  • Genocide Toriel was my attempt at making a take on this boss. I've only ever known two but I didn't think they fit very well, one of them has Toriel dress up as some sort of warrior and the other one just puts her a bit too out of character. So I chose to make her a silent killing machine.

  • Undyne The True Undying was my second take of making a Hard Mode style Undyne fight. In this case, I imagined that she took two fatal hits and miraculously survived. The rest is history.

  • Dustbelief Papyrus is an unfinished AU that I never bothered to look in. Enough said on that.

  • Bad Time Trio was just my take.

  • Duztrust... this one has an interesting story. Some community members called a YouTuber by the name of "Shaun Duz Stuffs", "Shaun Duztrust" instead. Collectively, we had a laugh, but none of us actually thought of making a proper game on it. By the time it was put into concept by DannyDaPro and TheAsriel, I thought I'd give it a shot. The rest is history, yet again.

  • Undertale Last Breath was a remake I wanted to do ever since I did my no-hit on Phase 3 in the original game. Personally, I wanted it to be more balanced, but to keep in with the style of the collection, I made it a lot harder than I bargained for.

  • Bobert was a port from Tales of Underlegends, a cancelled fangame. It was made in the style of SegaSonic101, which explains why it is so goofy looking and plays like a banjo.

  • Genocide Muffet was... weird. I thought of making my own Muffet fight since I had the knowledge to make purple soul attacks, but I couldn't quite make it fit within the normal games. It wasn't until after I made Bobert that I finally made it click.

  • Big Chungus was just another one of those things I thought was funny to make an Undertale fight on. I was not a huge fan of the song, nor the meme in general... but this survival fight that I created around it has changed that.

  • Genocide Asriel was yet another attempt of making a take. I could've been more original with this, but... where do you go with an already powerful hypergod?

  • The Final Fight came from a series of nightmares where I would imagine myself in an infinitely long hallway with nothing but an infinite carpet, pillars and purple fog. And when I finally made it to the "fake" end of the hallway, I found myself staring back at me like I was some kind of virus. I guess that says a lot about society.

Closing Thoughts

Once again, I want to thank everyone for playing Sil's Collection of Things. What I am going to do next is not clear to me at the moment, as I'm melting from the British heat at the time of this post.

This game was made to be a dumping ground for me to vent my emotions and make something cool out of them. Back to my original question, did it work?

I'll leave you to your own answer on that one.

But for me...

I can confidently say yes.



Next up

Yep, uhh... okay.

[DEVLOG] - We've been hard at work.

Angry Sans progress

Have another teaser of the hell that will be brought upon you

Undertale Last Breath: Definitive Edition is now available!

Undertale Last Breath Renewed: Deluxe has entered public beta!

Buckle your seatbelts.

Here's some of what to expect in the upcoming Family Friendly mode.

We're back in business.

Also viewable on YouTube:

Coming to V1.6