Ducky Clicker

2 years ago

v2.0.0 Ridiculously Humongous Update - Literally mountains of new content. But it's slightly unfinished.

Before you read I'd like to notice that I've lost basically all motivation to work on this game so I just released what I had of the 2.0 update instead of holding it back because of a few unfinished things. a 2.1 update will fix these issues but for now this is still playable.

New Features:

- Added extra levels and sprites for the Duck

- Added tons of new effects for gaining cash from passive generation, planes, cutting down trees and even the new companion system!

- Added a new General store for general upgrade items without scaling prices (such as tree fertilizer)

- Added 14 new rune upgrades for a total of 20, all of them really unique and fun!

- Added a new rune store screen which randomises 5 runes for each playthrough, plus someone inside it to make friends with...?

- Added two new base upgrades for a new mechanic, critical punches - one to increase likelyhood, the other to increase the reward

- Added a ridiculous amount of new tracks

- Added a new radio feature which allows you to change your music playlist at any time

- Added new customisation menu settings to play around with

- Added an option that allows you to see decimal cash and gems

- Game optimisations!


- Removed cool stuff store (the right side openable tab)

- Expanded the stats menu to cover more space and in order to be more readable

- Updated upgrade sprites for numerous upgrades

- Allowed the use of decimal multipliers for options such as click and coin gen multiplier in game customisation menu



Next up

Progress Log 2

Galaxy Brawl a2.2.2 - This is a Patch, Two!

takin' a shower rn

v1.4.0 Update - Main Menu redesign and new music!

Surprise! Yep, a new Ducky Clicker is in the works!

Update 02 - Monsoon

Update 01 - Spore Galore

Galaxy Brawl a2.2.0 - The Elite Threat Update

v1.7.0 Update - New upgrade and refreshed soundtrack!

v1.5.0 Update - Game modifiers and QOL features!