-- Additions --
Added new Field Trip Minigame: Farming. After a long wait, it finally arrived, enjoy!
Added Pencil Boy to the game, it will be a F2/END Exclusive Character
Added Placeface to randomly replace Pacific Test in some seeds
Doors can now have multiple wall textures and changes texture depending on which room and which side you're in
-- Improvements/Adjustments --
Re-worked room connections
Re-Worked Room Texture Mixing
Re-made Library's Maze Generator
Big Rooms now spawn correctly aligned with the hallway
Major changes on F3 gen
Re-worked the Principal's Wandering System again, now it is less likely to be broken
The Field Trip Bus will now spawn in different directions based on where the door spawns
Changed Bus Texture to make it less plane compared to the 2D perspective
Changed slighty the sizes of the bigrooms on every floor
Mystery Rooms now replace a room to it's own instead of creating an extra one
Windows will spawn way more often in walls
-- Bug Fixes --
Fixed Field Trip mostly failing to spawn a swinging door (rarely the room could fail to spawn/exist in a seed, but would require a very small layout)
Fixed very rare glitches involving room spawn
Fixed a critical glitch that every time you interacted with Merry Christmas, it would automatically despawn instead of just hiding
Fixed a glitch that while inside the library, every sound would also pause (making them play after you leave)
Fixed a glitch with community walls not merging the right wall when inside placeholder rooms