4 months ago
ver 1.9.1, made it so you can get the hallowen easter egg all october
shoutout to @Beef_Bastard for the easter egg model port
Next up
Donald's Patch 1.4
This is the only thing i like about the new UI honestly
Happy FNaF's 10 Year Anniversary
Finally got to uploading the five fights at freddy's .swf file to arhive.org, you'll need flash player (preferably flash player 32) to play it but its a cool lil game from the really old fnaf community
Me trying to get a voice actor without a noticable accent for somethige
Donald's Dev
ok ya were close to getting to the beta testing,if you dint catch the drift from the frequent posts
Weshek demoted every mod from the jolly server so no one knew can be verified